
Ciara is one of the most successful and famous R&B singers of our time. Winner of many musical awards, she is also a dancer, model, songwriter and a charming woman. She released her new album “Jackie” in May, with which she is going on a world tour. Meanwhile she has also just become the new face of Roberto Cavalli. met up with Ciara to find out more.

– Your new album “Jackie” seems to be one of your most personal records. What does it mean to you?

This album is the best I have released. I am very proud of it! I had the opportunity to work with amazing people and the best producers in the industry. “Jackie” is a very special album and I really think it’s my best work.

– We feel like it has many potential hits on it.

Thank you very much, I am very pleased to hear it!

– There are not many duets on the new album. Is there anyone in the music industry, with whom you would like to work?

I have a dream to record a song with Janet Jackson.

– You worked with her before, right? The song is called “Feedback” as I remember.

No, we’ve never met. I just did a remix of one of her songs. Officially we’ve never worked together.

– It’s a question of time.

I really hope so.

– Your son is a great inspiration for you, right?

Of course! He is my greatest joy. Motherhood has changed my life for the best and I’m enjoying every moment of it.

– What is it like to be a young mom?

It is just super cool. I’m having fun. My son is my motivation. I want to achieve more, become a better person, singer and mother. I want to take care of him and give him the best life I can. He is the most important part of my life.

– On “Instagram” you look amazingly happy with your son.

Yes, thank you, this is true.

– Recently you became the new face of the brand Roberto Cavalli. Congratulations!

Thank you very much! It is such an honor for me.

– Why did you decide to work with this brand?

Well, you know, I’ve always admired the founder of the brand… And when I got the call from its representatives making such a tempting offer, I simply could not refuse. It is my great pride, one of the biggest transactions of my career. I once dreamed of wearing Cavalli, and now I’m a face of the brand… Dreams come true.

– Yes, we have seen the first photos you look just stunning in them.

Oh, thank you very much. I’m very glad.

– Tell us about your participation in the show “I Can Do That”. Was it fun?

Oh my God, it was impossible not to have fun. It was probably one of the funniest and at the same time fascinating experiments in my life. The show was a great challenge. I accepted it and am very pleased with the result.

– Unfortunately, we can not watch this show on Russian television, but if I’m not mistaken, you were a puppet dancer?

(Laughs) Yes, I made that with Nicole Scherzinger. We did not know what to expect from the show, but it was insanely fun.

– A new album, tour, advertising campaigns, a newborn baby. You have a lot of energy! Can you share your secret with us?

(Laughs) You know, I just feel lucky. Every morning I wake up and do something that I dreamt about. I love all of what I do. I have great friends and they help me a lot. In addition, I have so many reasons to be even better. Right now I have fulfilled all my dreams, so…

– It’s obvious! You are a perfect role model for professional women.

Ohhh… That’s so sweet, thank you very much!

– The media is always trying to push successful singers against each other. How can you avoid those tricks?

I do my best to not be a part of this media nightmare. In my opinion, we women should primarily support each other and give love. Millions of girls around the world are watching us and we must be good examples for them. I think I am still relevant without the scandals.

– Of course, but it is not that easy. Do you have best friends from the industry as well?

Yes, I have many good friends from the industry. I would not say that I have a lot of friends. In principle it does not happen a lot, but I definitely have a famous friend, who I love very much.

– Lily Collins for example?

Yes, I love her!

– By the way, you’ve been in Russia before.

Yes, it was in 2013.

– What do you think about the country?

I love Russia! You have a wonderful atmosphere, stunning architecture and cuisine. Russian language is very beautiful, I tried to learn a few phrases, but it’s not so easy (laughs). I really like Russians. You know how to love with all your heart, you have a fearless spirit, and you have a good time. It’s a unique country.

– Thank you very much for the warm words and the interview. We wish you the best!

Thank you, I was very happy to talk to you.